I have in front of me the cards that I pulled last night. I had settled into a peaceful place, touched the JOY in my life, and invited the “persona” of my new business, On the Wings of a Horse, to join me. I sent my prayer out to the pasture and touched minds with Lakota and the long eared ones. When I felt the presence of all that is me and then that which is beyond, I asked for guidance, for assistance. I had Melisa Pearce’s Inspirational Card Deck in my hands. Shuffling them four times I thought of my vision, my dream and I opened myself up to the possibilities that i was yet to be aware of.
One card fell out, and I set it aside. It had chosen me but I had not finished my ritual. I cut the deck and there was MYSTICAL. I read it and the tears came. “The vastness of your purpose and the energies of the universe are before you at this time. … Hold that everything is unfolding before you with divine inspiration, in divine time and with divine ease.” Goddess, I love these cards!!!! Thank you !!!
And then I read the card that chose me. ATTENTIVENESS. “There is a plan laid out before you. … The path is choreographed and exact. You are being asked to play full-out and to give your all. “
I have never pulled either of these cards before and their message to me was crystal clear. I fell asleep last night with a smile on my face. Ask and you shall receive. So mote it be.
This morning I fed the horses with so much love in my heart that I barely touched the earth. I leaned into them gently and smelled them in deeply. I am outrageously BLESSED and I give THANKS.