Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Expressions - Part 3


Horses healing humans is something that makes sense to me.  But I watched with growing unease as my sweet horse stood in the round pen with a woman who was working through her problems. Lakota stood beside her, neck stretched out, her head hanging low.  It started as a yawn but it went on and on and on. She looked to me as if she were trying to throw up which I knew was impossible for a horse. Was she choking on arena dust?  Her eyes would close and she would pull her lips back to expose her teeth and gums.  Her torso heaved.  I was worried for her. I wanted it to be over. I looked at Melisa and she did not seem at all upset with what was happening. It was all I could do to sit there and trust the process. What the heck was going on?  As the session with the women came to an end Melisa asked her how she was feeling. With a happy grin on her face she replied, “I feel incredible, like I just lost a hundred pounds.”

“I am not surprised,” Melisa said. “This dear horse has been leaching negative energy off you for the past ten minutes.  You are definitely lighter!”

Hands shot in the air. All of us wanted to know what we had just experienced. Melisa explained to us that horses have the ability to leach, or remove, negative energy from the human body. The horse DOES NOT hold on to that energy in their body, however.  They allow it to pass through them. My previous training has shown me how energy can travel down our energy meridians into the earth. Mother Earth is not concerned whether we think energy is “positive” or “negative”. Energy is energy, and she can use it to do all of the marvelous things that she does. But the important thing for me was, Lakota did not hold onto any  “bad stuff”  that she released from the woman, who was now beaming, having thoroughly enjoyed her session with my miracle healing horse.

Well, by Sunday afternoon, Lakota had graduated from Equine Gestalt Coaching Method  while I had many more months to go . GEEZ !  My horse is a rock star of healing!!!!

Since August 2009, I have watched horses work on and heal humans. They are natural holistic healers. As “prey” animals, they have survived through the centuries by creating a unique form of communication, known as Equus. Learning to read and interpret the “energy” of each other, of their habitat, and the other creatures that coexist in their natural surroundings was vital to their survival.  What I am learning is they have the ability to “read” my energy even as I approach the corral.  By the time I open and walk through the gate, my horse knows what my energy level is and what baggage, if any, I carrying with me.

This is what leaching looks like.

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